Monday, August 9, 2010

Fun Summer beers

Nothing beats root or birch beer during a hot summer's days they are the best thirst quenchers, mellow and robust with a strong taste that goes with almost any food. They;re good with burgers , dogs or even with a scoop of vanilla ice cream .

Root beer came about during the Victorian Era. One American pharmacist , Charles Hire fell in love with a tea made form roots , barks and fruits. he later patented it and it became a hot at the American Centennial Fair in Chicago. This was the precursor of root beer. it was later carbonated. Root beer , then and now, has sarsaparilla bark as well as cherry wood, wintergreen juniper and birch bark. Sarsaparilla oil was banned in it's making in the 1960's and other roots took its; place.

Another summer favorite is birch beer. This had a different, earthier flavor than root beer but it;s just as tasty. Birch beer was started in Pennsylvania probably in t he late 1700's or early 1800's. It's made primarily with the bark of the black birch tree, hence, its' smoky deep flavor. Unlike root beer, though it comes in a variety of different colors, from a deep ruby to a brown to a purple. it also comes in a clear and this type is known as a white birch beer. Add vanilla ice cream and you have the original red bull, . Add chocolate and you have a Black Cow.

Nothing beats either beer on a hot August day. Enjoy a tall glass with a good foamy head under a shade tree. it;s the perfect way to beat the summer time heat!

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