Monday, July 19, 2010

Summer Dieting

Summer is the perfect time for dieting. There's all that fresh fruit and veggies around not to mention lighter fare when it comes to meals. Losing weight during the warm weather is a snap. It''s easy to follow a regiment when you have fresh ingredients around - not to mention a decreased appetite thanks to the high temps.

Salads are in abundance during this time. Take advantage of all those fresh tomatoes and greens when you;re losing weight right now. it;s also a good time for peppers and carrots . these last can even be cut up for snacks too . Dip them in a fiery vinaigrette, basically oil and vinegar with a good dose of hot pepper flakes for a fun afternoon snack. Also grilled vegetables that have been marinaded in oil and lemon juice are the perfect alternative to mayo rich potato and macaroni salads. Serve as sides with grilled fresh caught fish or steak and you have a great low calorie meal.

Summer also means lighter desserts. Steer yourself towards chilled fresh fruit as opposed to ice cream. If you have to have chocolate dip strawberries and raspberries in chocolate sauce. You can also puree watermelon or cantaloupe and then pour into Popsicle molds for a refreshing low calorie treat Fruit can be grilled too but remember to brush them with oil before putting them on an open flame. Serve with a basil honey sauce if you want some sweetness and zing.

The summer is a perfect time if you're dieting. You're surrounded by healthy low cal harvests of fresh picked fruits and veggies. Take advantage of these to slim down. You'll feel better thanks to this healthy lighter fare.

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