Monday, July 5, 2010

Saint's Day Specialities

Today is mine and my mother's onomastica or saint's day. It's not a big thing here in the States.People observe it more in Italy,Spain and certain parts of Greece. It's a day when you receive treats for you saint along with gifts. I've always liked it and the custom of having relatives make dinners for you.

Saint's Days involve a meal as was the case when I visited my family in the Piedmontese Alps. My cousin Anna had a barbecue and special cake for me. Usually it's the winter's saints days that get special treatment such as Saint Stephen's,the day after Christmas.Every Stefano throughout Italy gets a pork dinner in addition to the lush holiday dinner the day before. I felt lucky to get a lovely summer feast. Here in the States it's just a dinner or lunch out with candy from Butlers.

Saints Days are a wonderful tradition. You get to know some of your religious heritage while celebrating it on a day just for your name.

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