Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Just Beachy Food

Summer is here and it's time to hit the beaches. What comes with that is the bathing suits, towels, sunblock and of course food. What to bring? The easiest would be sandwiches but if you can grill then bring burgers and dogs. Some beaches even have their own snack bars eliminating the what to eat problem.

I usually just go to my local Subway to get a hero and iced tea. I don't have to worry about lugging a cooler and loading it down with sandwiches and drinks. It satisfies me and it's a healthy alternative to getting something fried. Salads go well at the beach however avoid any dressing with a mayo base. Mayo turns quick in hot weather and that could lead to food poisoning (something you don't want when you're enjoying surf and sand) . Go for an herb infused vinaigrette that will keep better. You could also use this a dip for loose veggies such as broccoli florets, grape tomatoes and cauliflower bits.

What to drink with your beach meal? Soda is OK but it is dehydrating and you'll wind up drinking more.A better choice is any kind of water like Fyxx Hybrid Caffeinated water or Vitawater. The first is infused with caffeine and will give you the energy for swimming or volleyball games. The second comes in a variety of different flavors and has zero calories, perfect for keeping that bikini bod.

This is the season to hit the beach . Hit the surf and sand with good food and good drink for a more enjoyable day out.There's nothing like it!

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