Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Is Our Seafood Safe?

I've just come back from a glorious day at the New Jersey shore. It was full of sun and surf however gazing at the Atlantic got me wondering. Thanks to the BP oil spill is our seafood here safe? Will there be various side effects for months to come?.

Of course it will hit us economically There have been shrimpers who have been out of work since this began .This is affecting them and since we can't get our shrimp from them we'll have to go somewhere else.The problem is shipping it and trucking it into various cities. Chains like Red Lobster will probably have to hike up the price of some of their dishes. Unfortunately doing this also means that fans of the chain will have to curtail their eating there. For other restaurants it means cutting back on many seafood dishes and sticking with beef and chicken.

Of course it also means that the eco system is now totally shot. Any marine life will have ingested the oil and will be infused with it. This makes anything from the pompano to the shrimp unsafe to eat.with a host of side effects. I would be leery even years from now of eating any Gulf product. To be quite frank if this spill get sup the Atlantic Coast then forget eating lobsters, clams and crabs. It's time to stick to freshwater fish like trout or just forgo seafood complete.y

the ocean has always been a source of food and comfort for all. it;s given people food and jobs for millenniums. it's a shame that BP has ruined that and the industry's future. Will we ever have our water back the way they were? Not likely. Not soon.

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