Thursday, May 20, 2010

Careful What You Eat

Today was not a good day foodwise.I wound up with a mild case of food poisoning at one of my favorite buffets.I think the ice cream was slightly sour and the machine was not up to par.I could have also been a case of the cream used being old. I should have guessed when the taste was slightly off. Should have paid more attention to that.

This brings me to the topic of spoiled food in general. When in doubt throw it out. I can't tell you how many times I've tossed out milk because it just wen t bad on me. Or tomatoes that turned rotty overnight.Or bananas that just went black and mushy. Sometimes it's the stores fault for selling old food, sometimes it's ours for hanging on to it to long. That has happened to me with puddings and cheeses. I've kept them well after their expiration date. Not a good thing. My mom's cousin always dates her food and throws it out after a week. Maybe this is a bit excessive but at leas she doesn't have to worry about food poisoning.Bacteria builds up on anything organic and can cause all sorts of problems with a foodies innards.

This has taught me a lesson.Stick to the fruit in your favorite buffet. Hopefully you won't go through the mess I just experienced. Also if it's unnaturally sour spit it out.

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