Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Today'ss Times

This is going to be quick. I saw that today's Dining section of the New York Times has a whole article about the Food Channel spinoff. At first I thought this wasn't going to be so good. After all do we really need more cooking shows with celebrity chefs? However it's going to be slightly different There are going to be imported shows from the great North, Canada which will be very interesting. I feel that country doesn't get enough air time and its' chefs bring about real cooking with good and practical ideas.

Another plus for this channel is the variety of shows. There will be some that show how unusual food machines are made along Unique Eats along with some newer and grittier shows. The Food Channel has become bland (which to a certain aspect I agree.) It needs to be shaken up with new faces and new cooking techniques and ideas.

Will it? I hope so. we need a revolution to come along and shake us out of our boring culinary existences.

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