Monday, April 12, 2010

The Luxury Of Cheating

It’s awful being a foodie on a diet. There’s nothing but restrictions and salads. And a lot of the last. However you have to treat yourself. You’ll go mad depriving yourselfof the foods and drinks you love.

Right now I’m on a diet. I want to look good and fit into my summer clothes from last year. I have been living on the aforementioned salad plus soup for weeks now.I need relief from. this regimen. What to do? Eat one or two cookies or even better – the low calorie graham cracker when I feel the need for sweets. Jello cups with Cool Whip also satisfy my cravings.I will also have dark chocolate but it’s the new M&M darks and only a few pieces. Another good sub in is a cup of instant hot cocoa. It’s low in calories but satisfie that need for dessert

Saltier snacks are trickier . You can sub in the low fat chips abd popcorn but you wind up eating too much. Limit yourself to a cup every now and then, like once a week. I usually go for pretzels which are low calorie and low fat. Evne these have to be watched because of their high sodium content. Sometimes when I’m in a really indulgent mood, I’ll make two or three peanut butter cracker sandwiches for myself., They satisfy my craving for salt and protein. I also don’t go all hoggy about them either.

Let yourself free from your diet every now and then. Enjoy that candy.. Let loose with the chips. You have to otherwise you’ll snap and go on a Godzilla like binge . Fridge look out!

M&Ms graham crackers, fridge, diet, chips, Jello , Cool Whip

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