Friday, April 23, 2010

Cleaning Out

Now that I'm home a lot more I can get to that dreaded task of cleaning out my fridge. Ugh. it's not the best job but someone has to do it. I realize I keep way too many Jello cups and bottles of everything. It's hard for me to just throw out stuff. Imagine getting attached to a bottle of marinade or barbecue sauce.

OI am a pack rat by nature and inheritance. I have kept perfumes and make up for years before checking it ( I still have some paraben laced stuff before I went all natural and all mineral)Food is the same way. I have cookies that I ordered on line from January. They're as hard as rocks and stale as anything yet I can't seem to part with them. One of these nights they definitely going to be raccoon snacks. I feel the same way about pudding cups I have one or two left from last summer. Those are way past the eating stage and into the botulism or something like that stage. Luckily jams and jellies seem to last forever (I'm hoping).

I hate tossing stuff out yet with food it's a must. After all I can't keep those Jello cups forever.

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