Monday, March 22, 2010

Spring Awakening

Now that spring has finally sprung - it’s time to start looking into the season‘s offering. Fresh veggies are going to start coming to supermarkets. There is also going to be a run on just picked fruits as well. We can say goodbye to everything canned and frozen. Ripe from the garden or farm is coming back and with a vengeance.
Even though it’s only march I‘ve noticed an abundance of asparagus both in the markets and at local restaurants. This quintessential Spring vegetable will be seen more next month, gracing Easter dinners and Passover Seders. It’s a wonderful and versatile green. You can grill them , parboil and then add in salad or serve as a lovely side dish,. My favorite recipe is a family one, IN Northern Italy especially in the Piedmonte they are par boiled , then topped with melted butter , Parmesan cheese and sliced hard boiled eggs. Other popular veggies to eat right now are onions, peas and fiddleheads. These are great accompanying any Spring roast such a s lamb or chicken.

Strawberries also make their debut during the spring as well. This is the time to indulge any favorite dishes with them. There’s nothing like a quick made shortcake or just the decadent strawberries and chocolate. Apricots are also ripe and delicious just picked right now too. Another warm weather favorite. The beloved watermelon returns to shelves during this time as well. There’s nothing like eating a slice of watermelon on a balmy spring night after a satisfying dinner.

Now that Spring is here put your cans and frozen foods away for the fall. Enjoy what the new harvests are offering. Treat your winter weary palate to fresh fruits and vegetables.

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