Saturday, March 13, 2010

Omelets Versus Frittatas

What makes the better brunch and breakfast staple? Omelet or frittatta? There has been a battle about this for decades. some purist foodies prefer a runny omelet, gooey with cheese and redolent with tomatoes, ham and even chicken . Others prefer a flat but textured fritatta, redolent with herbs and Parmesan. There are two schools of thought on this and which makes for a better morning staple.

Both egg dishes are pretty decadent however they could also be healthy. Omelets are traditionally two to three eggs and have rich cheese thrown into them, such as Gruyere or cheddar. You can also toss in a huge handful of leftover or from the packet ham . Some foodies can also add a n American spin on this French classic with some healthy pepper bits thus creating the classic Western omlet.. Another plus in making the omelet is cooking in it pure butter ala francaiseThis gives it a rich taste but also packs on th e calories not to mention the cholesterol. A healthier version is spraying your omelet pan with Pam, and just tossing in healthy veggies like broccoli and onions.

Frittatta, the Italian version of the omelet is made a little differently and , in my opinion can be better for you. You can cook the eggs in butter however heart healthy olive oil is recommended. Mostly frittatas have veggies such as onion and spinach added to them. Omele s have this too but then there's usually the addition of bacon and cheese. Once in a while sausage is crumbled in them or some grated Parmesan but it's never in excess as with an omelet. The taste of the egg comes though. Luckily both dishes can be made with egg whites as well.

What's on your brunch plate? The omelet or the frittatta? it;s a hard choiceto make and usually one made by taste. The first is pure decadence with its' butter and lush ingredients, the second is is more flavorful with a huge dose of fresh produce and olive oil. It's your decision though. Both are the best part of breakfast or brunch,

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