Thursday, March 4, 2010

Bad Times Yesterday;s Dinign Section

I don't usually criticize the Times Dining section however yesterday's was offensive .It was a big (3/4 of the page) picture of a fuzzy white bunny The cute little bugger was raised on a farm meant to be slaughtered.I don t have a problem with meat. I have a problem with the way it's presented pre-slaughtered. I just found the entire article not in good taste along with the accompanying pictures.

Again don't get me wrong Even though I a animal rights I do occasionally sneak some seafood beef chicken or turkey into my diet, i understand that animal protein is essential to any diet.However I feel that the Dining section and the writer, regular Kim Severson, could have edited the article in such a way that it wasn't disturbing to animal lovers and any kids who might happen up this section. Turn to the continuation and there are more pictures of a skinned rabbit with still furry legs. Any cat owner looking at this will feel a shiver because the body looks awfully like a skinned cat. These pictures and the many descriptions on how to kill the animals were , let's face it, haunting.

The editors should have stuck with with photos of the prepared dishes or the meat already cut up into sections. Perhaps a better shot would have been one of the interviewed chefs cooking up the meat or serving it to guests. There were one or two of these pictures which were thankfully not alarming. To be honest both writer and editors should have had more sensitivity. Hopefully this is a lesson for future articles dealing with animals that can be either considered pets or sadly enough dinner.

Bad Times. All I can say is if you feel the way I did upon seeing this article then write the Dining Section. It may sway the sections editors to think twice about another article of this kind. I know I would if I received scores of angry missives about this subject

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