Friday, January 29, 2010

A Thermos Full of Goodness

Just because it’s winter , doesn’t mean you should not take advantage of the out doors. There are sunny, crisp days that are perfect for skiing, skating and even just walking on the beach. What makes these activities bearable is having a thermos by your side. There’s nothing like a hot cup of coffee or tea that keeps your blood warm during a frigid day out.

What goes well in a thermos? A couple of cups of coffee. If you plan on doing a lot start with the caffeinated kind and some milk. If you want to add some brandy for kick do so but not enough that it’ll impair you. This is good for warming your veins and you’ll be ready for anything. Also a hot coffee is a good companion to any kind of sandwich. Hot tea is also good . Pick something milk like Earl Grey or Lady Grey add some lemon or even a squeeze of orange and some sugar. Hot tea is a good companion during a long walk . Again, like coffee. it’s also good with a sandwich and even better with granola bars or organic cookies.

Many people like hot cocoa in their thermos. This is a fine idea however it does make one thirsty. I think the scratch kind is better than the commercial ones. These can be too sweet , like soda and can leave you wanting some water afterwards. Make your own , using hot milk, Droste powdered chocolate and a small amount of sugar You can also make a variation of a mocha by adding coffee to the mix. This cuts down on the sweetness even more and makes for a bracing drink.

If you’re planning on cold weather activities, then bring a thermos with you. There’s nothing like breaking for a hot coffee , tea or hot cocoa. they’re not only warming but restorative. . You’ll feel like staying out no matter how low the temps go!

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