Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Sick Day Food

Every year around this time I write about food s for a sick day. I know it becomes tedious but ther'es a reason I write an entry like this. I'm a magnet for all sorts of germs and right now I'm fighting off the double whammy of a cold and a virus. The problem for me is what to eat without upsetting the apple cart (pardon the bad analogy). The thing is I'm probably not the only one with the question of what to eat when you' re sick.

Soup is always good. It calms a restless stomach and it;s easy to make. , especially the homemade kind. I always have to boxes of bouillon on hand for my family's recipe of pompeist. it;s Piedmonte version of chicken soup - a cure all for anything. That's made for any illness .it has gotten me through a lot of colds and viruses over the years. It'sa simple recipe of making chicken or vegetable broth. adding beaten eggs and then bread crumbs. Another good soup is pastina. You can make pastina soup thick or thin . It's better when there it's thick though, it's hardier and more nutritious.

Another problem is snacking. Of course no one wants to have guacamole dip after a bout of a nasty stomach flu (ewww, looks like soemthing you just got rid of anyway) however if you're hungry nibble. Thin pretzels or dry Saltines are fine. They're not greasy and satisfy your need for crunch. Have these with Coke or ginger ale . These last are perfect for helping sooth a stomach irritated by the ravages of a virus. A sweet snack is any Social tea or Lorna Doone cookie. Stick with plain bland, short breads and some hot lightly sweetened tea.Don't munch or fruit or ice cream until you feel your stomach is up to it. Wait a few days before heading back to old favorites.

The best bet for any cold, flu or virus is eat light but nutritiously . You'll still receive your daily dose of vitamins and minerals but in a lighter form.these will help you fight whatever nasty bug you;re battling and also keep you satisfied.

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