Saturday, December 26, 2009

Boxing Day and Kwanzaa Celebrating

Even though Christmas was yesterday it;s Boxing Day in England, Saint Stephens Day in Catholic Europe and Kwanzaa throughout the African American communities. Each as a different way for lengthening th e holiday and each is still filled with goodness.

Boxing Day is the time when the English upper and middle classes went visiting the poor with presents or boxes. Sometimes a fruit cake was added as were biscuits and maybe mince pies.St Stephens' Day is celebrated with turkey stew or pie in Ireland , In Italy it is the feast day of anyone named Stefano or Stefania and a special meal is made in their honor.

Another huge celebration throughout African American households is Kwanzaa. This is relatively new starting in the 1966 by Dr. Maulana Karenga . Dishes reflect more of the American South and the Caribbean. Traditional foods that are usually served are turkey gumbo, grilled chicken with citrus onions and beef and groundnut stew. Wine, juice or water is also served in a cup as well as fruits to represent a rich harvest.

The holidays are still with us, There are many to still celebrate and these include food. Enjoy them.

Today's entry is dedicated to Puff who 's now playing in the clouds with Bert and Bart.

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