Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Oliver's Twist On Cooking

Jamie Oliver is a good chef. He's also likable too with his Cool Britannia demeanor and breezy style of cooking. He's also out to conquer America , well, at least our eating habits anyway. He claims that we're a country of snackers with not a lot of fresh veggies and fruit s in our diets. he wants to start a revolution - as he did with British diets.

Oliver is credited with turning the English school cafeteria on its' head. He banished mystery meats and canned, sodium drenched veggies from kids diets. The result was better nutrition and more variety. Kids now eat healthier and tastier versions of tacos, pasta, pizza and burgers. Oliver pushed to make school food the best of British cooking. He's now on that crusade here visiting various school districts throughout the country. He also wants Americans to grow their own produce, even if it's just herbs. Another push is to eliminate our need for sugary drinks and snacking. In his eyes, he recently told USA Weekend magazine American eats way too much.

This is all well and good but can anyone really reform the American diet? Our First Lady is trying. Some families out there are following her example by offering more leafy greens and better meals and snack choices. The problem is do Americans ever really listen? Do we ever really change our bad habits.. We may go on health kicks but we always returns to our one true love- junk food. Look, we're passionate about chips and dips, madly in love with our sodas and go wild for anything barbecued to a crisp.

Good luck to Jamie Oliver with this big project. I don't know if he can thoroughly convince any Yank to change his or her eating habits. We balk at being told what to do - especially by a Brit. That was tried two hundred and more years ago and look what happened then. There was even a tea party too.

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