Saturday, October 24, 2009

Party In Or Party Out - That is The Question

We all love throwing parties. Who doesn't. It's a fun time t meet friends, break diets and catch up on everything. The problem is what's a better venue? At home? In a restaurant? Or a hall? Which can give you the better time? Is it worth spending days creating party food along with cleaning up the house? Would a dinner in a fancy restaurant be better?Or how a bout a hall that can offer plenty of room plus space for dancing? What makes for the perfect party ?

My own preferences lean towards dinner at a restaurant I'm familiar with and I know the food will be good. it's easier this way. Guest can order what they like along with the drink of their choice. I usually throw in a few appetizers and end with a variety of desserts. I don't have to worry about dishes, clean up or leftovers. Everything is taken care of. I'm not fond of parties in halls. The whole idea of eating while someone blares The Village People's"YMCA " or the Black Eyed Peas"Boom Boom Pow" while I'm eating is irritating. Besides my family and friends are not known for mingling and I'd be a go between for the two separate camps. A n affiar at the local ELKS hall may work for some people but not for me.

As far as having parties at home, again this is a lot of work. Some people love them. It;s a chance to show off their culinary and hostessing skills. Don;'t get me wrong . This is great but planning and executing any party is labor intensive. You have to make dishes that you know will be guaranteed crowd pleasers along with catering to tastes, beliefs and diets. Then there's the headache of how much alcohol to serve. One drunk guest can get you in trouble. Another problem is the clean up. Do you want to stay up til two AM washing dishes and vacuuming? This used to happen to us when my folks would have get togethers. The guests would conveniently leave around midnight and we'd be stuck with their mess. Not good. Think twice before you want to host a big get together at your house. However home parties you can relax more in your living or dining rooms.

What is the best venue for a party ? That's your choice. If you feel you can handle a home one, then go for it. by If not then book your favorite restaurant and let others do the work. After all it's your big do. party the way you want.

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