Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween Candyland

Yup, this is the day when kids and even sweet fanged foodies indulge themselves. It's Halloween here in the States and although it's celebrated in other parts of the world, it's a big draw here. Halloween is a time to indulge in mini Snickers or candy corn, popcorn balls or caramel apples. It's a fun day with treats and surprises at every door.

Halloween started out as a Celtic celebration known as the Feast of Samhain .It was the day when the Celts celebrated the dead when the otherworld became thin enough for spirits to pass through. Basically Samhain means summer's end in Gaelic and that's when they celebrated the harvest with bonfires and feasts. The name Halloween itself came from old English :Eallra Hālgena ǣfen or All Hallows Eve. Today we know it as the day for costumes and candy.

We all have our Halloween foodie favorites and memories. Some might remember chocolate or vanilla cupcakes topped with orange icing and black sprinkles. other might remember stuffing handfuls of candy corn into their mouths. I used to like the candy cigarettes and bubble gum myself, A s I got older I used to buy my favorite candy , namely Milk Duds, to hand out , hoping for a few leftovers at the end of October 31st.

I'd like to hear about your favorite Halloween foodie memories. Which one of you out there went mad for popcorn balls? Or Reese's peanut butter cups? Did you like the ghost lollipops or the solid chocolate pumpkins? Let's hear from you sugar crazed ghoulies .

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