Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Goodness of Whole Wheat

Whole wheat seems to be everywhere these days. bread, bagels even pasta . It has a lot of benefits to it, but it's also flavorful as well. There's an earthy nuttiness to it that gives a different that enhance whatever is with it. It's not just this hippie dippie alternative but another choice for sophisticated palates.

Whole wheat grains have been around since the beginning of time. There were even guilds baking brown or whole wheat bread for the masses as early as 1207. There was also a guild for the white bread makers who used the more refined flour for the aristocracy. One hundred years later there was even a rebellion and the two guilds became united. Centuries later the Brits used whole wheat for their army because it was better for them which it was and still is. Valuable minerals . vitamins and healthy fats are removed when flour is milled over and over. Whole wheat fflour has all it's nutrients intact.There is also spelt (dinkle in German) which is a similar to whole wheat but doesn't have the glutens. Spelt is now a big trend in pastas and for those with wheat allergies.

Foodies would do well to have more wheat bread in their diets. A slice of whole wheat toast is only 97 calories while its' white counterpart is 120. Carbs are also low by at least 3 percent. Not only is it healthier for you but whole wheat bread just tastes good too. There's nothing like a whole wheat baguette with some sliced turkey or chicken or whole wheat toast or even bagels accompanying a hearty fall breakfast. Whole wheat pasta is a treat too. You can eat as much of it as you want without worrying about piling on the pounds. It also tastes good with some basic home made fresh from the garden tomato and pesto sauce

Try to incorporate more whole wheat products in your diet. They're not only good for you but also delicious. It's like a double treat all in one.

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