Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Eating On The Run

Let's face it. We're all on the run these days now that school has started and the office work load is gearing up towards a busy (well relatively busy) holiday season. It brings us to the problem of eating on the run. Where do you go? What do you do? What do you chow down on to keep you going til you drop exhausted into bed?

It pays to rise earlier than usual to make a fulfilling and satisfying breakfast. After all, this is the most important meal of the day This is a good time to fill up on those much needed proteins to keep you going. The problem is trying to get up instead of having that extra half hour or hour of sleep. I usually opt for the extra shut eye and just grab a piece of fruit fir a fast breakfast. If you have to stop at your local Dunkin Donuts or any fast food buy a quick breakfast sandwich along with a coffee or tea. Bagels are a another solution as well but they're high in calories and you're better or with a bran muffin. Another option is bring instant oatmeal with your to the office and eat it at your desk. It's nutritious and filling - maybe not the best breakfast ,but at least a breakfast.

Lunch and dinner tend to go by the wayside too. We tend to fill up on empty calories and fats thanks to all the drive through and little or no lunch hours.If you have to go fast food then try the healthier alternatives like Subway or Wendy's. Subway allows you to create a low calorie but satisfying lunch . The sandwich combos and dressings are always tasty too. Wendy's lets you to choose from a variety of yummy salads as well as healthy baked potatoes. Even their chili is a good lunch or even dinner. Which bring s up that subject - dinner. Fast food or frozen? Sometimes the best bet is making a fresh cooked meal but sticking to simple techniques: barbecue, grill and saute. A 1-2-3 suppercan be a can of tuna or sliced cold cutswith a salad and low fat dressing. make a Cobb or chef salad that can last two nights as well.

September begins the season of crazy hours and no time for proper sit down and relax meals.Try to avoid this by eating right. It's hard when you're on the go. Just don't go withhout or yoou'll be running on empty.

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