Thursday, July 2, 2009

Seal Burgers Anyone?

In yesterday’s food section of the Times, there was an article on seal meat. yes, those seal with their sweet round head and heart melting brown eyes. I love my meat but this is too much. I know this is a popular dish among the Inuits and some French Canadians but still - BABY SEALS???

The article, written by, Micheline Maynard goes on about how delicious it is and how it can be made into anyone. There are seal tenderloins and seal steaks, each with a deep , gamey taste. There is also raw seal tartare too, served with seaweed. The Canadians have no qualms about this , much to the disappointment of PETA and any animal lover on the planet. Seal is now a staple in a lot of restaurants in the Quebec province. The meat has been a staple of the indigenous people of Hudson Bay, for centuries. They usually eat the seal heart raw. Another part, the blubber has always been a dietary staple for them and the Eskimos.

Sorry fellow foodies I just can’t deal with eating such a cute animal. They remind me of my one cat when he’s sleeping. OK, maybe all animals, not just the seal don’t deserve to be stuck between two slices of bread . After all that‘s what soy is for. It’s just that seals are just so innocent looking and cute. How could anyone eat them? It’s like chowing down on your neighbor’s puppy.

I’m off to the other article about the hot dog wars which I’ll cover tomorrow. At least you can‘t get too worked up over a dog (well actually you can).

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