Thursday, June 11, 2009

Fishy Business

Yesterday's New York Times Food section had an interesting article about fish. The renowned chef and foodie, Mark Bitman wrote about the different kinds out there. Thanks to more international fishing we have exotic breeds such as tilapia and orange roughy along with our regular cods and scrod. these have helped us expand our knowledge and and our palates.

Bitman also believes in kinder fishing methods (a plus in my book) where "fish friendly" implements are used. If you're on this bandwagon too, then the next time you buy fish ask about the capture methods. Inquire whether it was caught by a set gill net, a type of seine specifically used to capture that particular fish while others are let free. If you're still feeling guilty about eating ocean caught fish you can buy the ones from fish farms although they're not up to the quality of "wild" ones.

Bitman also write about shying away from the farmed mussels and other bivalves. Their taste is not as deep or as rich as the ones mined directly from the sea he writes. This is true.Anything from lobster to cod is better if it was caught in the wild. Somehow it's brinier but also sweeter at the same time.

Fish is a wonderful dish for any dinner. However there are choices out there that fish lovers have to consider. First involves the catching, the second regards whether to choose farmed or fresh. You have to weight out all these decisions when you make your catch of the day.

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