Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Crepes Light Summer Cooking

Crepes are one of the most wonderful foods tha t the French have given us. They are versatile and can be made for lunch , dinner and dessert. You can make them as decadent or as healthy as you want. Best if all they are easy enough ad quick enough to whip up - a plus for these warm early summer days.

Surprisingly crepes are not just solely French. The Italians have a version of it called crespella,. Tortillas are a variatoin of it and the Asians introduced Europe to their buckwheat ones. These are still a favorite in Brittany where they're washed down with dry cider. White flour was introduced to the recipe at the turn of the 19th Century. They're divided into two type, crepes sucree or sweet crepes or savory gallettes, crepes salee. The batter is an easy one. It's simply milk, eggs ,water and flour beaten together and then cooked for two minutes on a well oiled crepe or frying pan. You can also cook them on a griddle too.

What you stuff into a crepe is your business. I love the versatility of them. Add sugar to the batter and you have the perfect base for any dessert. I usually like mine the street vendor way as they sell them in paris. This is just a slightly sweetened crepe spritzed with a little lemon juice and dusted with confectioners sugar. You can also fill them with jam, fresh fruit or ice cream for a really special dessert and let's not forget crepes Suzettes. For savory crepes now is the time to fill them with fresh veggies , especially ratatouille. This is is one of the best savory stuffings, although spinach and mushroom is a close second. Crepes filled with seafood and then covered in a sherry bechamel sauce is a lovely and elegant summer dinner. You can so have fill them with chicken in a light tarragon sauce too or for heartier fare ham with a cheddar sauce.

Crepes are a wonderful meal to make during the hot weather. The prep and cooking time are next to nothing. The added bonus is you can have them anyway you like. Try them for a light lunch elegant dinner or unique dessert. They are toujours magnifique!!!!

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