Friday, April 24, 2009

Good Morning Breakfast

What's the first thing we're told from almost our birth?

Eat a good breakfast. yet what constitutes a good breakfast? For the first almost eighteen years of our lives we wind up eating these sugary plastic morsels as opposed to as decent breakfast full of taste and nutrition. Then as we either head off to higher education , it's usually last night's dinner for that first feast of the day. Later we just grab and nibble. All of these do not a good breakfast make.

For me breakfast has always been on a back burner I'm not much of a morning person so bacon and eggs or even something as simple as a bowl of Cheerios is just not doable. It's only been in recent months that I can swallow something down before 9 AM (OK , let's really make that 10). It's usually a bowl of instant flavored oatmeal with a cup of Lady Grey tea. If I'm going out on weekends I tend to have my breakfast - now brunch- at noon. there I can enjoy a farmer's omelet washed down with a mimosa or an iced tea. I should have a larger breakfast to carry me through the day. I know . I've heard that all my life.

Maybe other foodies out there share my dilemma (is it really?) What do you eat in the morning?Waffles, eggs and bacon? Or just a roll and coffee from your local Dunkin Donuts. Let us know here

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