Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Field of Dreams Planning The Perfect Veggie Garden

Thanks to the economy and the push for fresh foods, gardening is going to be big this year. For some of us, it's old hat. We plant the veggies every year and tend the fruit trees hoping to get some kind of produce for the summer and fall. For the newbies it's a different story. New to the field gardeners will be at sea in an ocean of green. However planting and harvesting a garden is for everyone and there's a feeling of satisfaction when they pluck that first tomato or pepper .

The first step in creating a good garden is research. Find out what your dirt is(loamy, sandy, etc) and its' acidity. Secondly research about the veggies and herbs you want to plant in it. For example highly acidic soil can wind up producing bitter tasting tomatoes.Also see what grows in your region and when is the best time of the Spring to plant it (th e US is divided into seven planting zones which you can easily find on Google). Also another factor to consider is your family's taste. If the kids hate onions, it's kind of moot to plant them, expecting everyone to wax enthusiastic about the first bulb. Ask the little ones what they want and then get them involved. Kids who grow their own produce will be proud to eat their first veggies.

Once the yard has been evaluated and the choices made, then head down to your local nursery or order from a catalog or online for plants and seeds. You may also want to get some equipment, mulch and fertilizer as well. Planting usually starts at the end of this month or the beginning of next for early summer harvesting. You may want to turn over the dirt now to get it ready for the first batch of tomatoes or lettuce.

It may seem too early or cold to think about that first summer harvest. Yet it's not, Remember that we're halfway through April and may is only a few short weeks away. It's time to get ready!

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