Monday, October 6, 2008

Table Hopping

Tomorrow I'll be helping out at my Alma Mater's Health Fair to run a table dedicated to vegetariansim.That I don't mind. What I do mind is getting the food ready tomorrow. Helping out with anything that involves eats is nerve wracking.

For onesout there who arenewbies all I can recommend is prepare , prepare prepare. Have a strategic battle plans that involves everyone helping you. This can apply to a bake sale or something along the e lines of what I'm doing. Buy napkins, plastic utensils, toothpicks and paper plates from your local dollar store. You can buy these in bulk without breaking your budget. Secondly get your ingredients or food ready one or two days before. If you have to bake then carve out two to three hours of your schedule to do so. Have help when doing this. Remember to have plenty of storage space such as a freezer , fridge or pantry. Also be aware of where the microwaves or sternos are wherever you're setting up. This helps to cut down on confusion , stress and panic when you have to reheat something.

When the day comes, don't panic, Get everything organized and in the back of your car. Delegate as soon as you get to the auditorium, gym or parking lot.If you have to heat up anything, find the nearest microwave and do so. make sure all the napkins are in a neat pile as are the plates. Also make sure you have the cash box ready with change.

After this go home. have a glass or cup of something and relax. Hopefully you won't have to do this for another year. At least that's what I'm hoping for myself.

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