Monday, September 22, 2008

Hearty Fall Dishes

Now that it's fall it's time to think about heartier fare. Gone are the literal salad days of summer. Now you can enjoy creating a full meal without a hot kitchen to bother you.

If you're not much of a cook but still would like to make something hearty then think about stews. These are easy to make and don't require a lot of effort.For something different consider adding spices to it like cloves or even cumin to give it a more exotic taste.For a more complicated dish the try making the French cassoulet. This is a melange of beans, pork and duck . Another variation involves chicken and bacon.

Any pasta dish will be rib sticking and something the whole family will love. If you want add steak bits or cut up chicken breasts to the sauce to make it more substantial. You can also keep the traditional chopped meat but substitute lamb, veal or pork for beef. Cannelloni, a crepe type of pasta is another good fall entree. You can make the meat or the spinach version for your hungry crew.

This is the season to get back into the kitchen and cook!Prepare a meal that is not onyl hearty but that will get your family through this cool season!

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