Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Food of Africa

Like Europe and Asia, Africa has a wide variety of cultures and cuisines.What makes their food so special is that mnany countries do not have an abundance of it. Unlike the other continents, famine is rampant. Yet , despite this , every area has a weath of dishes that are unique and flavorful.

African cuisine ca nbe divided into regional rather than by separate countries. There's north, east, central, south, and west. The North is facing the Meditererenean and like it's European neighbors of Italy, ,Greece and Spain, there is an abundance of olive sand olive oil. North Africans eat many rice dishes and there are an abundance of spices in the cuisine.East Africa is influenced by them along with East Indian cooking. They too have dishes that are flavored with cardamon and cinnamon and mostly all have a side of rice.East Africans also have ugali , a polenta type corn mash that is used to sop up stews and gravies. Saffron and pomengranate also are popular and much used flavors there too.Unike the Muslim North, the East Africans do have pork in their diet along with chicken and lamb.

The continent is also a study in the traditonal and the foreign. Central Africa is possibly the most untouched of all the regions and therefore has the purest. One standout out dish is a savory spinach stew made with fresh spinach leaves, peppers and onions., The only foreign influences there are tomatoes, chilis and peanuts - sad reminder s of Central Africa's link with the slave trade. South Africa is by far the most worldly of all the areas. It is inflkuenced by the Dutch, french,m english as well as the East Indian and Asian. It is called the rainbow cusines because of the rich variety of dishes and flavors.

American Southern cusine has West Africa ot thank for its's origins. Sadly, this was the area where most of the indigenous people were taken into slavery. Their cooking influneced the way the South ate. They brought their love of fried foods as well as yams, sweet potatoes and black eyed peas. The West Africans also eat a polenta type dish known as fufu. Fish is also on the menu and it is usally cooked in oil and then flaked. The West Africans also produce a wine made from fermented palm leaves.

Africa has just as many varied and rich cuisines as Europe and Asia. Unlike these continents it has to endure famine and hardship. Yet it produces some of the best dishes in the world,

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