Friday, August 29, 2008

Getting Ready For Fall

Even though fall is more or less one month away , it's still wise to prepare for it. What to do? A lot or a little depending upon what you want. It could include canning , cleaning out the pantry and fridge or packing up the freezer. It could also be planning a new kitchen or buying some new gadgets.

Foodwise, September is a great month to start cleaning out your vegetable garden. You may have a few straggler tomatoes but all in all your plants should be exhausted (as you probably are of dealing with them). Now is a good time to make all those sauces for winter.The same goes for basil.Pesto works well with heavy pasta and gnocchi dishes. Stock up on plastic containers that are excellent for freezing. Another idea is to cook and freeze squash and zucchini for side dishes later on.

If your apple trees are starting to yield fruit or you go raspberry picking, then think about making butters or jams or just freezing them for later desserts. If you have any blueberries or even peaches you can freeze them for later use as well.

Fall is also the time for bigger kitchen projects like renovations. The time between Halloween and Christmas is peak time for those wanting to redo their kitchens. Now is the time to start looking at your budgets and deciding if this is what you want or something else. Also it's the time to start looking at appliances and deciding whether or not to get new ones.

Be prepared for fall. You can start with something as small as making stockpiling sauce or as large as a total kitchen renovation.As we turn from hot summer days to chilly autumn ones it's time. to do something for your kitchen.

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