Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Cereal Killers

I hate to put the buzz kill on these last few summer days but school is just around the corner. Now moms across the US should be thinking of what to feed their young first thing in the morning. For a smarter kid, think about nixing the quickie cupcake and soda along with the heavily sweetened cereals.

What makes good breakfast? Something that's going to stick to your kids' ribs and keep them alert for most of the day. Try oatmeal with dried fruit such as blueberries or cranberries. Also oatmeal and fresh cut apples are another good day starter. Cereal is fine so long as it's not the ones that are like ninety per cent sugar. Give Junior Cheerios or Rice Krispies to start off with. If you have the time to cook in the morning, then whip up some pancakes or eggs or both. having a hearty breakfast with these along with any breakfast meat (like Canadian bacon, bacon or sausages)a cup of tea and a glass of juice is going to make everyone feel more alive and awake, ready to do battle with whatever comes that day. Also think about bagels or English muffins or even making these into breakfast sandwiches. At least you know your family won't be eating the grease laden kind from the local fast food joint.

Unfortunately I was never and still am not a big breakfast person. My first meal comes at lunch. I wish it could be different but it's hard for me to eat anything before the prime meridian. Horrible but true.

Just think I might have been a great food writer if I only had my breakfasts before 10 AM.

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