Thursday, July 10, 2008

Water Logged What Designer Water To Choose

Summer brings about thirst. In th e old days we used to slurp our water out of the garden hose and thought it was satisfying. Not anymore. Now we have to carry the latest trend in designer H20s. What to drink? There are as many varieties out there as there are oceans, seas and lakes. The conundrum is what's the best one for you.

Many people are curious as to what's the difference between bottled and tap water. After all water is just simply water, isn't it? Not exactly. Bottled water could be from glaciers , springs or wells.It could even come straight from a tap. What makes it different from what's coming out out your kitchen and bathroom faucets is that it has to be doubly purified and meet FDA regulations.

Sometimes it's just best to stick with the simple stuff. There's Poland Springs which has been around for ages, and the standard of office water coolers.This is the best for those with families The company has their water smaller bottles or Aquapods that you can give to small kids. Another good water is Dasani. This has a light clean taste and is refreshing chilled. You can also try Fiji. Of course for true snob appeal you can carry around a bottle of Evian (which when spelled backwards is the word naive - think about it).

There are some spins on water as well. The latest comes in the form of Fyxx Hybrid Energy Drink . This is Ohio spring water infused with caffeine to give drinkers a boost during afternoon crashes. There is also Propel which has vitamins in it for those who forget to take their daily requirement. This also comes flavored so you can have a touch of lemon or strawberry . Propel is a low calorie substitute for soda or iced tea.You can have a glass with your meals.

An important rule of Summer is keeping yourself hydrated during the hot days. This is easy to do nowadays thanks to the varieties of waters out there. Pick one that fits your lifestyle and enjoy it.

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