Friday, July 18, 2008

A Month OF Sundaes

This is the weather for ice cream and in particular sundaes. There's nothing as neat as one. Where else can you combine all the good stuff into one gooey treat?

Sundaes are as American as apple pie and was create din th elast tw o decade sof the 19th Century in Illinois or Wisconsin (there are two stories here). because ice cream sodas were prohibited fromb being sold on Sundays,soad jerks took out the soda which just left ice cream and syrup. Voila the sundae was born and named for the day it was invented.

What makes a good sundae? Any base of ice cream wail do. Plain vanilla is fine but chocolate chip mint will also do. Some foodies like to put two flavors as their sundae base. it doesn't matter, Sometimes just sticking with plain old vanilla or chocolate work. You could vary and have an all fruit base combining peach and strawberry or homemade blackberry with cherry.

As for toppings, anything is possible. I usually just like chocolate syrup on top, but som e like it with thick fudge or caramel sauce. Fruits such as pineapple cherry, and strawberry are also good toppings. These taste better fresh so have it on hand when you intend to make your treat. You can add nuts or cookie crumbs to give it some texture and crunch.Finish with whipped cream, sprinkles or even the e proverbial cherry on top.

This is the weather to indulge in a cold, creamy treat like the sundae. Create one that is perfect for your tastes

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