Thursday, July 24, 2008

Farmer's Markets

There's nothing like fresh everything during htis time of year. There are some of us who live near farm areas where it's only a short drive to buy fresh produce and baked goods. For those less fortunate there are farmers markets. These are wonderful blessings that bring the bounty of the country to both urbanites and suburbanites.

Typically farmer's markets will sell all sorts of things. One of the biggest that I have seen is the one in Union Square in lower Manhattan. This is literally a cordoned off area around Union Square Park. You can get everything from upstate New York apples to Jersey fresh tomatoes. There are also stands that sell fresh nuts and freshly made peanut butter. There are also smaller stands that will sell organic potatoes , kale and spinach. Union Square offers a variety of homemade baked goods from cookies to pies to breads. These are much better than from what even the best city bakeries have to offer. Union Square also offers honey sold from Duchess and Orange County apiaries as well as freshly made granola and cereals.

Even suburban New Jersey (and I'm sure towns across the US ) will have farmer's markets. Here in the Garden State Mennonite farmers from Pennsylvania set up stands in our towns , selling everything from long golden ears of corn to freshly churned butter. These are amazing places and perfect for bringing farm fresh goodness to the table. If you want your family to eat healthy go to one. Some of the pricing can be a bit higher than the local supermarket though. I have discovered that the best buys are on the cakes , breads, jams and cookies.Take advantage of these prices.

Farmer's markets are wonderous places. Luckily for us the stay open until late fall and reopen iht early spring. They are worth visiting because you can have just off the stand produce right on your town's main street.

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