Monday, July 28, 2008

The Cult of Celebrity Chef

They have millions of fan hanging on their every word. They're stalked by the paparazzi. Stores carry their products which are sold out in minutes.

Who are they?

Celebrity chefs. Thanks to America'' love of dining and cooking, we've turned everyone from Bobby Flay to Lidia Bastianich into celebuchef. They're like the Heidfi Klum of the kitchen or Leo Di Caprio of produce.

How did this phenomena come to be? There were always great chefs from Epicurus to Larousse. Throughput the centuries kings , queens presidents and noblemen have always had good cooks. Every family also had their own great cook, whether it be their mother aunt, grandmother or sister. Yet what has made today's cooks gain the kind of status usually reserved for Oscar winners?

I could say blame it on the food Channel. This is where ordinary chefs like Paula Deen have become megastars with their own line of cooking gear and magazines. I could blame it on America's desire to turn even the most ordinary person into a four star whiz.

At least it's spawned a new gneration of foode kids who spend thei rplayground hours talking about whisks and creme brules.

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