Thursday, June 5, 2008

Zucchini - The Perfect Summer Vegetable

Every garden, at onetime or another has sprouted zucchini, This easy to grow and delicious to eat summer vegetable is a staple at tables. It’s versatile enough to be made into a main dish and even a dessert. If you or your family have second doubts about it, now is the time to try it.

Zucchini or Cucurbita pepo is really part of the cucumber and melon family. Native Central and South Americans have been eating it for thousands of years. Italy also produces a similar one, a summer squash that we Americans eat. It was called zucchino or small squash , The indigenous peoples named it skutasquash meaning “green thing eaten green. We have Christopher Columbus to thank for bringing the seeds back to the Mediterranean region and Africa. Zucchini has a soft pliable skin and a very pulpy inside. It has a very fresh “green taste” that reminds you of the outdoors and gardens. It’s long and cylindrical which makes it ideal for slicing or stuffing. A good healthy one is always dark green in color.

My favorite recipe is a simple one. My Mom and I always make this in the summer. It’s just zucchini slices sautéed in garlic and oil , seasoned with sea salt and pepper. This is a great accompaniment to any meat dish or even veggie burgers. You can also add it to vegetable soups and , of course that all time summer favorite, ratatouille. Zucchini is also good in loaf breads, adding a unique taste and texture. If you have a bumper crop of them, consider freezing them for future use.

Zucchini is a wonderful taste of summer It is also versatile to go from a dinner plate to a dessert dish with the many recipes that honor it. Enjoy it any way you can during its’ harvest season.

Zucchini Saute

Olive oil

2 cloves garlic roughly chopped up

5-6 small zucchinis.

Salt and pepper to taste.

Wash and slice zucchini into medium sized slices. Heat oil in a medium sized skillet and a sit bubbles , add roughly chopped up garlic. Add zucchini . Saute for about 20 minutes with a cover over the skillet. Remember that zucchinis are very “watery” plants so your dish will have a lot of liquid. You can drain this however it adds to the dish. Store leftovers , if there are any, in the fridge. You can microwave them for two minutes to heat up.

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