Monday, June 23, 2008

Healthy Substitutes

Not too long ago I wrote about being a low fat foodie. Now once more I'll write about it again because instead of losing weight I've ballooned upwards. It is not easy loving tho e wrong food. Like loving the wrong person, it slowly can kill you.

What to do?

Try to eat healthy. Easier said than done,especially when summer is also the season of snacking. It's so easy to go to the boardwalk or state fair and let loose on a lot of fun treats. Keep the junk food frenzy down to a minimum. Share a corn dog or a frozen custard with someone. Split that cotton candy or double loaded chili dog.At these places it's hard to find relatively healthy food. Opt for the candy or caramel apple (well the apple and the nuts and/or coconut covering it aren't bad) or go for ice or lemonade.Avoid anything deep fried like Oreos, Mars bars, and even ice cream. A problem with heading to the Jersey shore is that there are all these great home made candy stores offering hand made treats. Instead of a pound of fudge , go for the quarter pound. At least you'll get the rich chocolate-y taste without one - the large amount of calories , and two - expense. Salt water taffy is only 30 calories a piece so two pieces as a treat won't hurt. There is also the sugar free kind. A lot of candy stores sell lollipops which are another fat free sweet. Go for these as opposed to those rich molasses paddles dipped in milk chocolate.

Sometimes being at home is worse than being out. There's nothing like relaxing under a favorite tree or by the pool with a snack tray at hand. The problem is you've have to say no to the chips, dips and mojitos. Besides anything too salty will make you retain water. Stick with unsalted pretzels, baked potato chips and salsa. As far as a cooling drink, think freshly brewed iced tea or lemonade. Any soda(except diet) will add calories and make you feel bloated. Also stay away from any presweetened teas. These rich drinks surely put on those summertime pounds. Candy is another no no as we all know. It may be an energy booster during these hot days when you feel lethargic. Still there are calories there.Craving sugar? Go for any kind of berry whether straw blue or black. Eat a fresh sliced peach or watermelon to give yourself a lift.

Another summertime treat to avoid are those iced coffees. Yes they're addictive but loaded with fat. If you want an iced one, forgo the mound of whip cream and syrup barristas decorate the drink with. Opt for black (which is delicious)with a lot of ice. If you need one to spike up your energy levels get the carbonated kind.

It's tough being a foodie on a diet but you can do it. I'm struggling as I write this. Luckily I've nixed the Hershey's nuggets for strawberries and a tall ice filled glass of freshly brewed ice tea. If I can do it, then you other foodies out there can do it too.

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