Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The Goodness of Rice

Every foodie should have some kind of rice in his or her cupboard. Not only is it a good side but also makes a good main dish. Rice is also versatile because it can be made into not only first courses but can be cooked into that comfort food of all comfort foods - rice pudding. There are so many different kinds of rice to choose from that it's helpful to know what's what.

There are many different types of rice. For basic cooking stock up on the instant short grained. This is the most versatile and you can use it in a variety of ways.Add some sauteed chopped onions and tomatoes to it as a nice bed for your grilled shish kabobs.This summer think about a rice salad based on the Italian hot dish risi bisi which translates into rice and peas. Make this but add carrots, broccoli, grape tomatoes or tomato slices and finish with a simple oil and red wine vinegar dressing. Louisiana Wild rice made into dirty rice with spices and andouille sausages is good with any Cajun or barbecue style chicken. The type is good with turkey as well as with game fowl such as pheasant or quail. It adds a chewy nutty quality and even gives rice stuffing a tastier spin.

If you're a big risotto fan always ,always, always have arborio on hand. This produces a certain creaminess when cook and its' kernels are polished with a white dot on each one. Arborio rice adds texture and taste to such dishes as the heavenly saffron laced Risotto Milanese and my family's Piedmontese risotto recipe , complete with chicken livers and tomatoes. I've heard of recipes that you can make a rice pudding out of it but have yet to taste this legendary creation.

Basmatis rice should be stocked if you're big on Indian cooking. You can also substitute Jasmine rice in its' wake. (although Jasmine s not good for just plain side dishes) Use both of these for biryani or spicy Moroccan pilafs.

When you're eating your risi bisi, basmati or risotto consider this. Rice is one of the oldest foods on the planet. It was first cooked some 2500 years ago. It began in China and then spread to India and Sri Lanka. The Greeks picked it up,spreading it through the Mediterranean and North Africa. It was later bought to the New World by Portuguese settlers to Brazil. It was also transported to Central and South America. Rice is a member of the family Poacea.

Rice is the perfect side dish but also the perfect meal. You can incorporate it into almost everything from exotic dishes to just simple puddings. Always have it on hand.

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