Saturday, June 14, 2008

Attack Of The Killer Tomatoes

This is the season to enjoy fresh produce. Unfortunately it's all the season for said produce to spoil quickly and cause all sorts of trouble. How do you know when your tomatoes are safe? Or if your peaches won't send you to the hospital ER? Here are some tips for having safe vegetables and fruits.

First of all always keep your eyes and ears open. Your night time news and local papers will always have alerts when fruit or vegetable crops go bad. I learned about last year's spinach scare from a nightly news report. Also both forms of media will give you advice on how to buy and keep produce as well as what to do in case you do become sick. Secondly, always look over any fruit and vegetables you're intending to purchase. Bacteria grows rampantly and it could cause a entire box or bag to go rotten. Sometimes this can come from the produce itself not being up to par but most often it comes from where everything was first picked. A lot of commercial farms have less than ideal working conditions. There are no adequate washroom facilities for workers and sometimes fields are utilized instead. When you bring home any produce wash it well. A good thorough rinse under your kitchen tap will do the trick. Dry immediately with a paper towel.

Remember that some fruits are responsible in creating spoilage. Certain ones produce ethylene which is an odorless, colourless gas. It speeds ripening and can lead to early decay/ Some fruits, like bananas, should be kept away from any produce because they emit a good amount of ethylene. If you're still in doubt then check out this site for help: It's one of the most thorough guides you can use for determining spoilage rates for fruits and veggies.

Don't turn this season's bounty into a scary meal. First of all be alert and wise as to what fruits and vegetables you buy and how to keep them. You 'll have a safe summer, eating good healthy produce

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