Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Adding Flowers To Your Plate

Everyone appreciates flowers on the table. Let's go it a step and take those blooms out of the centerpiece and onto your plate. Not only do they add elegance but they're also good to eat. Surprisingly a number of flowers are now being seen gracing dinners and desserts.

First of all know what you're picking. The Internet has guides as to which flowers are edible and which are not. For example a good accompaniment to any plate are marigolds, pansies day lilies, sunflowers , clover and lilac. Just because a flower is pretty like the highly poisonous bella donna doesn't mean it's a great addition (although a great way to get rid of that nasty boss or irritating in law). If you're unsure about what you picked - then toss it. Also if anyone has pollen allergies do not serve flowers because there will be some kind of allergic reaction. As with fruits and vegetables don't serve them just picked form the garden . Wash them to get rid of insecticides unless you're just using them as a non-edible decoration,.

When preparing flowers make sure that all dirt and insects are rinsed off. If there are too many bugs it may mean that the blooms are not edible and may be too old to consume. Remember to wash gently with cool water (not lukewarm or warm because it will affect the look) and delicately dry on paper towels.Keep in mind to remove the flowers' reproductive organs because that's where the pollen is. If you're using flowers on cakes or cupcakes, then you can also crystallize them with an egg white and sugar wash( one white and about a tablespoon of sugar well blended or mixed together). Dip or brush the mixture into the wash and let dry.The flowers can be eaten as part of the cake or just separately.

Flowers add a certain grace to the table. Why not add them to your dinner plates and dessert dishes,to complement your cooking or baking masterpiece.It will give your salad or cake an extra dash of elegance.

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