Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Organic Barbecue - Is There Such A Thing?

Can you combine healthy and unhealthy eating? Is it possible to take something that's potentially carcenogenic and turn it into something nutritional? The answer is yes. If you combine organic meats with outdoor grilling you can basically transform a possibly bad for you meal into something a little more healthier.

What would go into an organic barbecue? Free range meats that you can buy at natural grocery chains like Whole Foods and its' subsidiary, Fresh Fields. The company is devoted to offering customers meat and poultry that have been compassionately treated as well as fed vegetarian and organic grains. They also specify that their meats have not been fed supplemental hormones or antibiotics which can make the finished product toxic. The store also guarantees that the animals were given unlimited space to live and pastures to roam. The cuts will cost you a bit more than your average hamburger and chicken breasts but they'll be somewhat better for you. If you have no organic or natural groceries in your area then it's time to turn to the web. There are plenty of sites that feature not only the traditional meats such as beef, and chicken, but also unusual ones like bison, ostrich. and emu meat as well. Some sites also offer milk fed lamb and veal too.

Barbecuing any meat brings out carcenegens but if you have a taste for it then go the healthier route. Use wood chips.This is somewhat safer than using your regular briquettes purchased from the local supermarket. Another plus is that the chips impart a smokey flavor on the meat, giving it an extra oomph. You can either get mesquite or hickory although most people prefer the spicier, richer mesquite. This last is used in Southwest grilling. All in all a bag of wood chips is not that expensive. Usually a 1.5 lb. bag goes for under ten dollars. Again you can buy it at your local grocery or go to the web for more gourmet ones.

If you have to barbecue this season (and you will) go for the healthier route. Stick to organic meats and grill them over wood chips. It's the best you can do for your body considering the possible threat of disease.

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