Saturday, May 24, 2008

Bread Basket

As every person knows bread is an important part of our lives. As every foodie knows a person can't live on white bread alone. Nowadays there are so many different kinds to choose from round loaves to artisanal whites.What to choose? They're all good and delicious.

The French have cornered the market on many different varieties ofpain. The French make their bread without any fat hence the reason why it is so crisp and delicate in flavor. Usually a baguette or long bread lasts only a day otherwise it will get hard (but you cna grind up the stale baguette for some awesome bread crumbs).A sliced baguette is perfect for any kind of sandwich because the taste doesn't overpower the sandwich's filling. There is also the thinner version known as ficelle which means string. There is also the pain viennois. This is a softer, fatter version of the average baguette. The French also love a good chewy peasant loaf known as or ball. This is perfect for sopping up gravies or even for making French toast. The French also put raisins or nuts in their bread for an extra treat as well as making a type of focaccio with bacon, onions and herbs known as .

Italians are also passionate about their pane and every good Italian bread store has a huge and calorie lethal assortment.There are over 350 types of bread, each region making its' own special recipe. My Piedmontese ancestors were the first to sample the breadstick, a specialty of the royal city of Torino. These long sticks were made by a clever Piedmontese baker,Antonio Brunero, in 1679 to tempt the appetite of an ailing young Savoyard prince. The grissin strat became such a big hit that city states copied it. However for the real thing it's best to head to Piedmont and have them. Other Italian breads include the herbed focaccio , popular in central Italy and variations of pizza bread from Naples and other parts of Southern Italy. There is also the Sardinian flat bread that puffs to a nice golden brown when rebaked.

Other countries have contributed to the world's bread basket. Germany has given us rye and Easter sweet bread while India has given us nan. The US has contributed with sourdough and a variety of different breads such as banana nut and zucchini.

The next time you're in the mood for a good slice of bread, think about the different types. Don't just go all white bread. Choose a crusty baguette or a dark satisfying rye. Vary your bread basket.

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