Wednesday, April 30, 2008

What's Making You Fat???

You diet and still look like the Michelin man. You gorge on nothing but salads and you're still the size of a semi. You still exercise but the pounds aren't melting off. What's wrong with this picture?

Maybe your foods are the culprits.The thing is we may think we're eating healthy and we're not. If you're big on salads like I am , you may assume you're chowing down on one low calorie meal. In truth you may be loading your plate up with more calories and carbs than if you had a double cheeseburger and fries. The next time you go to a salad bar be very judicious. First, stay away from the croutons and rolls that are always offered. Secondly, stick with a light dressing such as oil and red wine vinegar or any low fat Italian or French. The creamier dressings are the ones that will kill you. Fill up on a good mix of tomatoes, onions, peppers and mushrooms. They are not only healthier for you but also will keep you sated for a long time. As far as with meats and sides, plain grilled meat is a much better choice than anything covered in cheese or served between a bun. Stay away from mayo as well. Opt for a squeeze of lemon or lime over your grilled foods. Another big no no is any veggie with cream sauce such as creamed cauliflower or Lima beans. A melange of steamed vegetables or better yet, a savory ratatouille is a nice side dish or even a meal.

Sweets and desserts are going to have to be scrutinized as well. Those low fat ice creams make us feel like we can have our cake and eat it too however be careful with them. You may feel the need to eat two bars or cones at a time. Doing that will surely make the fat still stick to your hips. Use any low fat iced treat as a twice weekly reward. A better choice would be Edy's fruit pops which are only sixty calories each. Another good sweet treat is fruit in gelatin. You don't have to make these any more . Jello has the individual cups in a four pack. Add a dollop of low calorie Cool Whip or any non dairy topping and you've a surprisingly tasty dessert.
If you have to staunch your chocolate cravings then go with the heart healthy dark chocolate. A small piece every other day isn't so bad plus you're giving your body the antioxidants it needs.

Now here's the shocker of all. You may be drinking a high calorie drink with your low calorie meals. Nix any soda because the high concentration of sugars will add on pounds. The same is true with any iced teas that have more corn syrup than tea. Make your own fresh brewed zero calorie tea. For more flavor add mint leaves or a tablespoon of fruit juice . Even energy drinks contain some calories and carbs. A friend introduced me to this new caffeine infused Fyxx Hybrid Energy spring water. It packs a punch but leaves no pounds. You can mix it with fresh cut fruit such as melon chunks or strawberries or even mint leaves for a refreshing taste.

Think twice about what you're eating these days. What you think is low fat may be calorie and fat rich. Be a conscientious foodie and look into what you're eating and not at what you're eating.

You can buy Fyxx Hybrid Energy drink at or at your local grocery or convenience store.

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