Thursday, April 17, 2008

Everyone Should Heart Pomegranates

Even saying the word brings to mind exotic locales and new taste sensations.


It kind of rolls around your tongue like the flesh of ripe fruit, doesn't it?

These plump, red beauties may sound as sensual as harem girls but they're better for your health than any medicine. They're full of the much needed antioxidants that protect us against free radicals. These are nasty , unstable atoms that go postal inside us and can wreak havoc. The fruit or poms (along with a good, healthy diet and plenty of exercise) also deter and sometimes prohibit the growth of certain cancers. Poms also help us to look younger. Again, they're responsible for destroying free radicals which also can lead to early wrinkles and degeneration.

Even though their harvest season is September through January , pom concentrate is available year round. I love the brand POM with its' concentrates, juices and brand new line of yummy teas. The teas are the perfect thirst quenchers on hot days. The taste is amazing, rich and fruity. My A&P sells them in white, green and black teas infused with the pom's juice. Not only that but they come in tea glasses which you can recycle and use over for your favorite cold drinks. One more tea and I have my set.

This Spring and summer don't hesitate to use pom concentrate in your own home brewed teas. It wll also give a kick to sangria and is delicious mixed with champagne for a Pom Pom.Hit it with vodka, lemon and simple syrup for a Pomengranate Martini.You can even mix it with club soda or ginger ale for a festive non alcoholic drink. Pom concentrate should be in everyone's bar so have two to three bottles on the ready.

For kids and yourself make Pom pops. Mix two cups of Pom concentrate with one cup water and pour into popsicle molds.You can also add strawberries and blueberries for variety. It's a refreshing spin on an old classic plus it's never too early to infuse the little ones with a ton of antioxidants.

Don't dismiss poms as another exotic beauty. They are not only tasty but good for you and your body. Everyone heart poms!!!

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