Saturday, June 8, 2024

Food On The Go Good Or bad

 We are a nation of snackers.we gobble munch and slurp even on the go,. Yet what's a good quick nosh> Do you want something tasty?Or good for you?

Most people tend to eat the wrong stuff. Sure, ut's great to eat potato chips , especially the many different flavored ones these days, Across the board nutritionists and doctors agree these are bad for you. They're fried carbs with salt added. A better choice is popcorn. You can buy smaller bags of the olive oil popped kind even in vending machines has high fiber content while also having increased satiety.This means you can eat a small amount and still feel sated. What about pretzels? They 're not as low calorie as popcorn but they are lower in saturated fat than potato chips. One serving of pretzels contains only one gram of fat while potato chips have ten grams. Another plus is that pretzels also have a quarter of the sodium needed for a daily dose.If you still want a bag of chips to keep you full during a road trip or picnic, then try Utz,These are not cooked in the heavy oils and still have a good flavor. Pop Chips are another brand that  is' good for you and worth trying too.

These snacks  are great if you're on the good. At home you can indulge in fruit and veggie platter either bought at your local grocery or made at home.Think carrots and celery dipped in a lemony vinaigrette this is the perfect snack for a mid afternoon boost. Grape tomatoes are another quick bite. They're good on their own on on skewers interspersed with mozzarella, You could also make a small bowl of panzinella or Italian bread salad Use small torn pieces of Italian bread soaked in olive oil, Add small chunks of the mozzarella and sliced tomatoes. This also makes for a great lunch too or a quick dinner. Fruit is a must. This is strawberry season so have a few with honey drizzled on them. You can also top a blob of cottage cheese with them or the other stars of the season, peaches and blueberries.Its a nice mix of savory and sweet and will satisfy both cravings. Iced water is the best to keep hydrated. Iced green tea is another good choice too. You could also make an iced black tea too.

We are a country of snackers. Yet that's bad. Snack healthy and you'll feel better.